Thursday, January 12, 2006

Military academy standards

Misconduct at military academies is intolerable. Admiitedly, I'm a little full over on the obligation of future officers to act with honor and integrity. My view might be dated as I have recently begun to reconsider the nature of the armed forces. Still, I can't comprehend how the egregious problems at the air force academy, ranging from sexual misconduct to forced religious participation, were allowed. More amazing is the minimal justice doled out under what can be a harsh code of military justice.

Now, all military academies have suffered some sort of scandal and I don't want to simplify why the air force is having so many problems. However, if one take character into consideration, you would logically reason that recommendations would be an important part of the air force academy selection process. However, according to the NYT education section this past Sunday, Air force places little importance on recommendations. This is in contrast to the naval academy. The Air Force should begin considerig recommendations. Taken as a whole and compared across all the applicants, an admissions office could use recommendations to deny entry to what have turned out to be some despicable individuals.


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